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About Pack 8

Pack 8 is for boys K-5

Two Flexible one hour meetings per month

Pack 8 Annual Dues

The pack does have annual dues of $190 per scout. This can be paid in two installments, $95 by 9/30 and $95 by 3/31. 


These dues help cover the day to day adventures for our pack such as scout supplies, awards, class B shirts, den activities, materials, and scouting events. â€‹â€‹

Family Cost and Special Events

Your scout and family will need certain items to take full advantage of scouting, These items will need to be gathered by each family. These include: 

  • Class A Uniform(s)

  • Camping/Outdoor Gear

  • Six Essentials 

  • And other items/costs

Additionally, while the pack does pay fees for scouts to attend most events, additional family members may be asked to cover their attendance costs.

Sundays between 4-5pm. Most meetings are at St. Matthew's New Life Center, but can meet in local parks and natural areas with advance notice.


The majority of funding for pack events, is done through the annual Pack 8 Popcorn Campaign, in which we ask our scouts and their families to help fundraise through Trail's End between September and November each year. This opportunity helps grow our scouts entrepreneurial & public speaking skills, while touching on financial education. All while ensuring to keep our dues low and providing funding for items such as: 


  • Pack Campouts, Cuborees, Webelorees and Adventure Camps

  • Pack Events - Mega kickoff, Fall Family Fun Day, Blue and Gold, etc. 

  • Unique and Fun Scouting Opportunities 

  • Scouting Scholarships

  • Adult Leadership Training

What our Pack does

Pack 8 Cub Scouts are quite the adventurous group. Each year the advancements consist of a building many different skills, ensuring each scout grows intellectually, physically and morally.

Adventures include camping, hiking, outdoor cooking, food and nutrition, climbing and bouldering, fishing, bike safety, water safety, fire safety, service, citizenship, craftsmanship, first aid, and shooting sports. 

-Join Pack 8-

Step One

Step Two

Pay Pack 8 Dues

Step Three

@2024 Pack 8 Charlotte, NC

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